What camera do you use?
A Leica M7, an old Nikon F3, and digital cameras.
What is your favourite filmstock?
Maybe Fujichrome Provia 100F, but it's not that important for me.
For the photos submitted, why are they your favourite?
I don't know if these are my favourites... But when you asked me to select pictures from my work, I chose to share images which come from my recent art projects : for three years now, I have been recreating my childhood, the sensations, the places, the faces... They are linked by the same sunny light, and the same feeling that within us there lay an invincible summer.
So these photographs come from And We Will Never Leave This Place, black and white vignettes about a year I spent in the countryside far away from my family, and Hear Soft Echoes, an evocation of my recurring dreams about strange creatures living around a lake.
Cyrille de Vignemont